Corporate Wellness Cambridge

Corporate Wellness in Cambridge and Online

The Wellbeing Tent

As a nutritionist, I understand how important it is to follow a healthy diet to maintain good health and help us feel our best.

Current evidence shows that employees in full-time employment consume up to 60% of their daily food calories during working hours. However, busy schedules, tiredness, and stress are all linked with poorer-quality diets.

On top of that, new research reveals that the cost-of-living crisis is making it more challenging to make healthy food choices. As a result, people’s health and wellbeing continue to be impacted. This presents an opportunity to support workplace wellbeing.

By introducing health and nutrition initiatives to your workplace wellness programmes, I can help you achieve your specific objectives including optimizing your employees’ health, boosting workforce resilience, and enhancing workplace morale and productivity.

I offer a range of corporate wellness services including:

  • 1-2-1 health coaching (30 min session to support your employees in reaching their health goals)
  • Corporate wellness advice (delivering monthly content through email, newsletter, or your online portal)
  • Wellness events and talks (running nutrition workshops and talks e.g. Eating for Energy and Good Sleep, Nutrition on the Go, Nutrition for Menopause)

More about health coaching
Health coaching is a patient-centred process that is based upon behaviour change theory. The aim is to help people gain the knowledge, skills, tools, and confidence to take responsibility for their eating and lifestyle, thus enabling them to reach their health goals. In coaching, I use a motivational interviewing technique, in which I ask open-ended questions such as this one: ‘What lifestyle habits would you like to change to improve your health?’

Health coaching can help with a broad variety of health issues, such as body weight, sleep, and stress, the management of chronic conditions, improving diet and exercise, tobacco cessation, and improving mental wellbeing.

To find out more about corporate wellness services, please get in touch by emailing