How to Go Vegan for Veganuary + Vegan Recipe: Quorn and Chickpea Stew

I hope it is not too late to talk about Veganuary!

From the 1st to the 31st of January there is a Veganuary challenge where people try to go vegan for 1 month.

In 2021, more than half a million people signed up to try Veganuary. It is expected that this year the number will be even higher.

What does it mean to go vegan?

A vegan diet is a plant-based diet.

Vegans don’t eat any animal products including honey, dairy, and eggs.

A vegan diet can support healthy living at every age and life stage. However, it is very important that a healthy vegan diet is planned in advance, to ensure that an individual’s nutrition needs are met.

If you decide to go vegan, here are my 3 top tips:

  • planning is essential (follow the Vegan Eatwell Guide when planning vegan meals)
  • be aware of some nutrient gaps (vitamin B12, vitamin D, iodine, iron, calcium, zinc, omega3-fatty acids, and selenium)
  • read food labels (check for fortification and choose foods lower in fat, sugar, and salt).

If you want to give the vegan diet a try or you are looking for recipe inspiration, try my Quorn and Chickpea Stew recipe for a healthy, balanced vegan diet:

Here are some cooking examples for meeting nutrient needs: vegan Quorn is a great source of zinc and rapeseed oil used in cooking is a great source of omega 3.

Going vegan and putting things into practice can be a challenging task.

If you’re considering a plant-based diet, reach out to me for nutrition support.

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